Friday, 22 July 2011

A Long Day

Right, Thursday's plan was to head into town at lunch time, pay in my returned house deposit cheque and walk back home in time to do the next of the planned training rides. This one was to be between 30 and 40 miles and had to include 5 one-mile stints at 'race pace' (whatever that is...)

BUT I got a call on the walk home asking if I could work almost immediately in a warehouse in Banbury, so no ride. After a couple of false starts due to forgetting various keys and bike locks, I set off on the Viking in search of Jugglers Close, where I was joined by nine other temporary workers. We set about masking up, polishing, buffing, re-polishing, re-buffing, polishing and buffing once more and finally re-lacing and packing, 100 pairs of combat boots for the British Army which had been shipped in the wrong finish/colour. Starting at 5pm, we finally stopped for the night at 2.30am. I then had to cycle home and, having forgotten my lights, the following is a fairly accurate representation of what I could see for the non-streetlit parts of the route... that was a little bit terrifying! We returned at 8am this morning and finished just before midday. I missed a bike ride and my forefinger might not bend again for several hours, but £75 is heading my way, so all is good.

More on the bike front, very excited to report that a few bits and bobs to return the Marin to match-fitness are on their way. When they arrive I'm sure there will be a piece on here either expressing my happiness that it worked, or venting my frustration that I broke something again. Whichever way it goes, I'll get some photos up.

Sorry about the rambling nature of this post, hopefully didn't bore you too much! Fingers crossed for more excitement when more biking goes on!

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