Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Bike Fiddling and TTCTC

First off, I've been looking at the stats and as well as the expected visitors from the UK, this blog has already had visitors from the United Arab Emirates, Germany, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and the USA! Going international in my own, very small way...

Daisy likes the camera
Now I can almost hear you not-really-caring what TTCTC is, but I'm going to explain in any case. I've always been one of those people who refuses tea and coffee whenever offered. For slightly hazy reasons, I decided the other day that I should start to train myself to like them both. Today was the first attempt at project Tom's Tea and Coffee Training Challenge, and it wasn't a resounding success - tea just seems to taste like hot water so far... 
Enough pointless rubbish, time for some bike repair work! 
something's missing...
About a year ago, I managed to strip the internal thread on one of the brake mounts on the bottom of the Marin's fork, causing the brake to rattle around most of the time. The recent trip to Cannock Chase finally vibrated the bolt completely loose (it's probably still on the trails somewhere - if you find it, consider it a gift!) and prompted me to finally do something about it. After some internet scouring, I reckon it can be fixed for about £10 using a clever gizmo called a Helicoil, so watch this space for details when I scrape enough together to get the parts!

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